Mol d'Art Table Top Chocolate Tempering Machine 3KG (6,6LBS)
The 3kg Mol D'Art Table Top Chocolate Tempering Machine is ideal for smaller capacity requirements. It is easy to store and light enough to make it a mobile temperer too. It uses a dry heating system that is easy to control while the addition of a controlled thermostat makes it a precision piece of equipment offering the user very accurate results.
Heating elements on the bottom and side of the machine with some stirring with a spatula ensure that the chocolate is heated uniformly throughout. The end result is tempered chocolate that is easier to work with. The 3kg Mol D'Art Table Top Chocolate Tempering Machine has a capacity of 3kg making it perfect for home use or for use in a professional kitchen.
Dry heat system
Electricity: 110 or 220 Volts.
Highly precise mechanical thermostat: 0 to 65° C (32 to 149° F although not indicated on dial)
Bowl Dimensions: Ø 8,5x 4,25" deep (Ø 21,5x11 cm deep)
Body and lid and pan made of food grade plastic and stainless steel respectively.
How to rapidly and efficiently pre-crystallize chocolate with Callets™.
Video courtesy of Callebaut.