Mol d'Art Table Top Chocolate Tempering Machine 24KG (53LBS)
The 24kg Mol D'Art Table Top Chocolate Tempering Machine is great for use in professional kitchens. It will temper up to 24kg of chocolate in one load and because it uses a dry heat system with a precise digital thermostat it offers complete control over the chocolate tempering process ensuring that you get the best results possible from your chocolate making.
The machine is easy to operate and made from high grade plastic and stainless steel is surprisingly light and easy to transport. These materials also make it easy to clean and very simple and cost effective to maintain – the perfect solution for the home or the professional kitchen.
Dry heat system
Electricity: 110 Volts.
Highly precise mechanical thermostat: 0 to 65° C (32 to 149° F although not indicated on dial)
Pan Dimensions: 19,75x11,75x6" deep (50x30x15cm deep)
Body and lid and pan made of food grade plastic and stainless steel respectively.